![Sheffield Union of Golf Clubs](/images/resources/sheffieldunion/logo.png)
Sheffield Unionof Golf Clubs
Match Play from Scratch
1. There will be 5 divisions of the League.
2. Any club wishing to join or withdraw from the League shall give notice to the Secretary by
30th September each year.
3. All matches shall be played from scratch over 18 holes matchplay.
4. For every match won a team shall receive 2 points and for every match halved, 1 point.
5. There will be promotion and relegation annually to and from each division.
Divisions 2, 3, 4, 5: two teams will be promoted, Divisions 1, 2, 3, 4: two teams relegated.
6. General rules in the case of a tie on points: (Revised March 2020)
(a) number of wins & losses during the season will be taken into account;
(b) if the clubs are still tied then Head to Head results;
(c) if the clubs are still tied then holes won in the Head to Head Results.
7. (a) Clubs shall be represented by a team of four players.
(b) a player may represent one club only during any one season.
(c) to decide the order of play on the day, team lists must be exchanged simultaneously before play commences. The visiting player's should be given the course score card and any local rules of the course.
8. (a) all matches shall be played on Wednesdays as per fixture lists on the website, team sheets MUST be exchanged at 16.45 and shall start at 17.00, and the last match must tee off by 17.30. Any player failing to present himself for a match at the time agreed shall be deemed to have lost its match by 10 and 8. After the match, the card shall be certified and signed by both Captains or Club Representatives. It is the responsibility of the Home Captain or Representative to telephone, or email , the result of the match to the Union Office and return the result card to the reach the Secretary of the SUGC.
(b) a match postponed due to weather or the state of the course following bad weather shall be replayed before the following Wednesday on a mutually agreed day. If no agreement can be reached, the match will be played on the Monday following the postponement. There shall be no other reason for postponement other than the aforementioned. In the event of teams also playing in the Derbyshire or Nottingham Leagues, the match default day, if the teams cannot agree a date, will be the Thursday of the week in which the match should have taken place.
(c) a match suspended due to weather or to the state of the course following bad weather shall be resumed from where it was discontinued even though resumption occurs on a subsequent day.
When a discontinued match is resumed it shall be done so before the following Wednesday on a mutually agreed date. If no agreement can be reached the match will be played on the Monday following the postponement. If a team also plays in the Derbyshire or Nottinghamshire Leagues, en the default day becomes the Thursday of the week in which the match should have taken place.
If matches have started then they must be continued with original players. A player failing to present himself for the match on the agreed date and time shall be deemed to have lost the match by 10 and 8. If a match had not started then replacement players can be used.
NB A match for the purposes of the league is defined as that between two players (see rules of golf definitions 'Sides and Matches' and Rule 6-8 a b and c).
(d) team captains are delegated by the SUGC Championship Committee to decide that a match be postponed or suspended under Rule 6-8 only, but players are reminded of their rights under the rules of golf regarding lightning. If the match hasn't started then the decision for postponement, shall be made on the 1st tee on the day of the match at 17.30.
9. Where a club is playing in any of the YUGC Team Championships then the match shall be played on the Monday preceding the original match date.
10. The winning club of each Division will hold the appropriate Divisional Title and be awarded a suitably inscribed plaque.