
Sheffield Union of Golf Clubs

Team Events


Team Better Ball Stableford Off Handicap

1. The Union will hold a Team Better Ball Stableford Competition over 18 holes, off handicap

2. The competition shall be open to clubs of the Union. Each club must enter two teams.

3. The competition will be limited to players with a Handicap Index of 5.5 and above. The handicap allowance shall be 85% of the players Course Handicap, with a maximum playing handicap of 18. Those with higher handicaps may compete but must play off the maximum stroke allowance.

4. START TIME -  It is the player's responsibility to start at the time established by the Committee. Regulation 14 ( SUGC Regulations for all competitions) applies.

5. The club returning the best aggregate points total of both teams will be adjudged the winners. The winning club will hold the Aitchison Trophy for 1 year.

6. Ties shall be decided as per Rule 10 in SUGC Regulations for all Competitions.


Stroke Play Off Handicap

1. The competition shall be open to clubs in the Union. Every club must enter two teams. The combined Handicap Index in each team shall not exceed 16.4.

2. The competition shall be 18 holes of Stroke Play.

3. Stroke Allowance for each team shall be one half of the players course handicap.

4. START TIME -  It is the player's responsibility to start at the time established by the Committee. Regulation 14 ( SUGC Regulations for all competitions) applies.

5. The club returning the lowest aggregate of NET SCORES of its two teams shall be adjudged the winner, will hold the Inter-Club Foursomes Medal Trophy for one year and receive a plaque.

6. Ties shall be decided as per Rule 10 in SUGC Regulations for all Competitions

INTER-CLUB KNOCK-OUT FOURSOMES (1983) (revised 2025)

Match Play from Scratch

1 The Union will hold a Foursomes Knock-Out Competition which is open to Member clubs in our Union. Each club may enter one team comprising six players (three pairs). Players individual Handicap Index shall be not less than 5.5 and not more than 12.4..

2. A club need not be represented by the same players in each round but no player may represent more than one club in any one year.

3. Each match shall be played from scratch over 18 holes. In the event of a match being All Square after 18 holes, play shall continue until a hole is won, unless the result of the round has already been decided.

4. * Changed for 2025. A draw will be made by the Executive Committee to decide on the pairings for each round.  The change this year (2025) will be the team drawn out first being the home Club. If that Club cannot host, then the away team will get the home fixture. 

5. Matches shall be played on the dates published in the Union Fixture list and shall start at 17.00, and the last match must tee off by 17.30. Any pair failing to present itself for a match at the time agreed shall be deemed to have lost its match by 10 and 8.

6. Names and handicaps of players taking part shall be exchanged simultaneously to decide the order of play.

7. The result of the match shall be notified to the SUGC Secretary, by telephone or email, by a member of the winning team immediately after the conclusion of the match.

8. The winners of the final will hold the 'Renishaw Goblet' for one year and receive a plaque.

9. All first round losers will be entered into a secondary Salver Competition to be played on the same round dates as the main competition and concluding in a final on the same final date.


1 . The Union will invite the Captain, Lady Captain and Secretary/Manager of each affiliated club to participate in the President's Day for Club Officials.

2. The competition is normally held at the President's course.

3. The format is an 18 hole AM - AM Stableford, with the best two scores to count on each hole. There are no limits to the players Handicap Index, each player must play off 85% of the course handicap. The Ladies will play from the LGU tees using the ladies card. The Executive on the day can determine the teams handicap allowance.

4. Prizes are provided by the Union.

5. The entry fee is payable by the clubs.


AM - AM Team Stroke Play. Off Handicap Allowance

1. The Union will hold a Four Ball AM - AM Stroke Play Competition over 18 holes, off handicap. Best two net scores to count at each hole.

2. The team returning the lowest NET SCORE shall be adjudged the winners and shall receive the 'Queen's Jubilee Trophy' donated by Bill Hale.

3. Each club may enter ONE TEAM comprising of four players.

4. The Maximum Playing Handicap limit shall be 18. Members with higher handicaps may compete but must play off 18. The Playing Handicap allowance shall be 85% of the Course Handicap.

5. START TIME -  It is the player's responsibility to start at the time established by the Committee. Regulation 14 ( SUGC Regulations for all competitions) applies.

6. Ties shall be decided as per Rule 10 in SUGC Regulations for all Competitions.

7. The surplus funds will be donated to local charities chosen by the President.


Stroke Play from Scratch

1. The Union will hold a Second Teams Competition.

2. A Club may enter a team of Three players, who on the day of the competition shall have a Handicap Index each of not less than 5.5 and no more than 12.4

3. The competition shall be played from scratch over 18 holes of stroke play and the team returning the lowest aggregate gross score of its three players shall be declared the winner. The player returning the best individual gross score will also receive a memento.

4. START TIME -  It is the player's responsibility to start at the time established by the Committee. Regulation 14 ( SUGC Regulations for all competitions) applies.

5. Ties shall be decided as per Rule 10 in SUGC Regulations tor all Competitions.

6. The 'Executive Trophy (Second Teams)' will be held for one year by the player returning the lowest score.

7. The winning club will hold the 'Second Teams Trophy' for one year, and receive a plaque.


1st Teams Competition (1913)

Stroke Play from Scratch

1. The Union will hold a Team Championship comprising of a qualifier and a final

2. Clubs may enter a team comprising four players with no limit on handicap.


(a) The Union will hold a Team Championship Qualifier comprising those clubs which were not in the top 12 of the Team Championship in the preceding year.

(b) The Championship Qualifier will be played over 18 holes of stroke play, from scratch, with the team returning the lowest aggregate score of its four players declared the winner. The six leading teams shall be promoted to the Team Championship.)

(c) START TIME -  It is the player's responsibility to start at the time established by the Committee. Regulation 14 ( SUGC Regulations for all competitions) applies.

(d) The winning club will receive a salver.


(a) The Clubs eligible to play in the Team Championship shall be those whose teams occupied the first twelve places in the previous years championship season, and the top six teams promoted from the Qualifier.

(b) The Championship will be played over 18 holes of stroke play and the team returning the lowest aggregate score of its four players shall be declared the winner.

(c) START TIME -  It is the player's responsibility to start at the time established by the Committee. Regulation 14 ( SUGC Regulations for all competitions) applies.

(d) Ties shall be decided as per Rule 10 in SUGC Regulations for all Competitions.

(e) The 'Executive Trophy' will be held for one year by the player returning the lowest aggregate score.

(f) The Champion Club will hold the 'Sheffield Union Team Championship Trophy' for one year and receive a salver.


Foursomes Stroke Play from Scratch

1. The competition shall be open to clubs in the Union. Each club may enter two teams which shall comprise (a) TWO AMATEURS or (b) AN AMATEUR AND A PROFESSIONAL or (c) AN AMATEUR AND AN ASSISTANT PROFESSIONAL, all being members of the same club, ** Note from 2020 CLUBS MAY NOW HAVE TWO TEAMS COMPRISING FOUR AMATEURS.

2. Lady Professionals may take part but must play off the white tees.

3. The competition shall be 18 holes of Foursome Stroke Play and shall be played from scratch and the team returning the lowest gross score shall be adjudged the winner.

4. START TIME -  It is the player's responsibility to start at the time established by the Committee. Regulation 14 ( SUGC Regulations for all competitions) applies.

5. Ties shall be decided as per Rule 10 in SUGC Regulations for all Competitions.

6. The Union will award prizes to the winners and such other prizes as may be decided by the Executive Committee.

7. The winning club will hold the 'Turner Shield" for one year and receive a plaque.

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